A. During January 6-8, 2025

  1. Select the item/s to purchase
  2. Click ‘Add item to bag’
  3. Click ‘Proceed to checkout’
  4. Enter Promo Code BDODEALS300 when you reach a min. of P3,000 and BDODEALS600 on a min. of P6,000 on sale items and click ‘proceed to checkout’
  5. Enter a valid email address and click ‘create an account’
  6. Fill-out the required details and click ‘Register’
  7. Review the order and delivery address details, and click ‘Proceed to checkout’
  8. Select ‘pay using your Credit/Debit Card’ as payment channel and click ‘Proceed to Payment’

B. During January 9-31, 2025

  1. Select the item/s to purchase
  2. Click ‘Add item to bag’
  3. Click ‘Proceed to checkout’
  4. Enter Promo Code BDODEALS300 when you reach a min. of P3,000 on sale items and click ‘proceed to checkout’
  5. Enter a valid email address and click ‘create an account’
  6. Fill-out the required details and click ‘Register’
  7. Review the order and delivery address details, and click ‘Proceed to checkout’
  8. Select ‘pay using your Credit/Debit Card’ as payment channel and click ‘Proceed to Payment’